DIY Lavender Deodorant With An Adorable Smell

DIY Lavender Deodorant With An Adorable Smell
We’ve already told you how to make a coconut deodorant, and here’s one more cool recipe with an adorable aroma – a lavender one. You’ll need 3 tablespoons coconut oil, 2 tablespoons baking soda, 2 tablespoons arrowroot powder and 2-4 drops of lavender essential oil. Simply mix to combine all the ingredients in a small... 

All-Natural DIY Coconut Deodorant

All-Natural DIY Coconut Deodorant
Some of us have allergies and can’t use the beauty and cosmetic products that are for sale. So, why not make your own one? A homemade deodorant will not only have the aroma you like but also the substances and properties you want. Prepare 1/4 cup baking soda, 1/4 cup cornstarch, 3 tablespoons coconut oil,... 

11 Easy DIY Detox Bath Salts Recipes

11 Easy DIY Detox Bath Salts Recipes
We continue telling you of easy homemade remedies to prep your body for the hot season and make it look seductive. Detoxification is a removal of toxic substances from the organism, it’s necessary for every person to get rid of harmful substances. That’s why it’s so important to take hot detox baths from time to... 

9 DIY Slimming Wraps You Can Make At Home

9 DIY Slimming Wraps You Can Make At Home
It’s not summer yet but what about preparing your body for the warm season and for wearing bathing suits? We are starting a series of DIY tutorials how to prep your body for summer, and today we’ll talk about slimming wraps. They say that a slimming wrap is a way to lose weight for lazy... 

Easy DIY Dry Shampoo

Easy DIY Dry Shampoo
A dry shampoo is a very good idea for those who lacks time. I think that every girl was sometimes in a situation when she doesn’t have time but should look cool, so using a dry shampoo is right what you need. To make it at home you’ll need cocoa powder, corn starch, essential oil.... 

DIY Rose Body Scrub With A Fantastic Smell

DIY Rose Body Scrub With A Fantastic Smell
Body scrubs are necessary, and a rose body scrub would be an exquisite thing for your skin care. The supplies are fine sea salt, coarse sea salt, rose essential oil, jojoba oil, a glass jar / bottle, clear inkjet labels, body scrub labels. Mix together the fine and coarse sea salt with the jojoba oil... 

21 Easy Beauty DIYs For Winter Skin Care

21 Easy Beauty DIYs For Winter Skin Care
In winter your skin needs moisturizing, healing and comforting as much as you can give. So spoil your skin with these DIY remedies purposed at taking care of your skin in winter frosts, winds and snow.  Balms and creams with natural herbs and oils will give the necessary moisturizing to your skin – make special... 