13 Awesome DIY Cellulite Scrubs And Stretch Marks Creams

coffee and brown sugar cellulite scrub

Coffee and brown sugar cellulite scrub (via shelterness).

We continue telling you how to prepare your body for summer, and today we’ll talk about cellulite and stretch marks. Yeah, girls, I think that most of use some day face the problem of cellulite, so what remedies can help? The best idea is to use a homemade scrub, mostly with coffee because coffee is a natural abrasive substance which burns fat very well. There can be also such ingredients as sea salt, apricot bones, sugar or oatmeal for sensitive skin. If you lose weight too fast or after pregnancy you can have stretch marks, and getting rid of them is important. Below you’ll find some cool and easy recipes of creams for stretch marks and cellulite body scrubs, be hot!

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Citrus anti-cellulite massage oil (via theskinniestyou).

Citrus anti-cellulite massage oil (via theskinniestyou).

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Coconut coffee cellulite scrub cubes (via henryhappened).

Coconut coffee cellulite scrub cubes (via henryhappened).

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Belly butter for stretch marks (via jenniraincloud).

Belly butter for stretch marks (via jenniraincloud).

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Coconut ginger warming scrub (via shelterness).

Coconut ginger warming scrub (via shelterness).

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Cellulite coffee and sugar cream (via ybertaud9).

Cellulite coffee and sugar cream (via ybertaud9).

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Deluxe stretch mark cream (via shelterness).

Deluxe stretch mark cream (via shelterness).

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Sugar, coconut and coffee cellulite scrub (via londonlikethecity).

Sugar, coconut and coffee cellulite scrub (via londonlikethecity).

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Rose and sugar cellulite scrub for sensitive skin (via styleoholic).

Rose and sugar cellulite scrub for sensitive skin (via styleoholic).

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Coffee and sea salt cellulite scrub (via tinytelecast).

Coffee and sea salt cellulite scrub (via tinytelecast).

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5 stretch mark creams (via remediesandherbs).

5 stretch mark creams (via remediesandherbs).

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Toning mango body scrub (via shelterness).

Toning mango body scrub (via shelterness).

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Coffee and vanilla cellulite scrub (via styleoholic).

Coffee and vanilla cellulite scrub (via styleoholic).