Cozy DIY Fabric Wrapped And Beaded Bangle

Cozy DIY Fabric Wrapped And Beaded Bangle
This accessory will look perfect with jeans and comfortable shirt, you just need patience a little and you’ll create it and combine with your clothes. You will need wide plastic, wood or metal bangle, fabric scissors, fabric remnant, hot glue gun, hand sewing needle, thread and seed beads. First cut the fabric into strips measuring... 
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Cozy DIY Felted Sweater Bangles

Cozy DIY Felted Sweater Bangles
You can make these felted bangles for yourself or as a gift for your friends. They are easy-to-make and so cute at this time. You will need bangles, wool sweater, glue, scissors, needle and thread. First of all make sure that bangles are on the large side for your wrist because once you cover them... 
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Chic And Colorful DIY Baroque Bangle

Chic And Colorful DIY Baroque Bangle
This accessory will be adorable on your arm and add to your look chic and elegance. First of all, you need ribbon with a memorable pattern. If you wanna a modern bracelet, you need more bling. Take the crystals. Using contact adhesive, glue one end of the ribbon to the underside of the bangle, then... 
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