Moisturizing DIY Chocolate Sugar Scrub

Moisturizing DIY Chocolate Sugar Scrub
Chocolate is not only aromatic, sweet and delicious, it’s a great moisturizer and antioxidant for any skin type, that why it’s one of the main components of today’s scrub. Prepare 1½ cup brown sugar, ½ cup granulated sugar, 1 tablespoon cocoa powder, ½ cup coconut oil, ¼ cup almond oil. In a bowl combine sugars... 

DIY Aromatic Grapefruit Sugar Scrub

DIY Aromatic Grapefruit Sugar Scrub
We’ve already told you of great properties that citrus fruit have, and they will also make you vivacious! Let’s make this grapefruit scrub to keep your awake! You’ll need 1/4 cup melted coconut oil, 2 teaspoons sweet almond oil, 1 tablespoon zested grapefruit, 1/4 cup fresh squeezed fresh squeezed grapefruit juice, 3/4 cup white (or... 

24 Delicious And Aromatic DIY Body Scrubs

24 Delicious And Aromatic DIY Body Scrubs
After you’ve made all those slimming wraps, got rid of cellulite, made detox baths and so on, it’s time to get smooth, silky skin, and for this you’ll need a cool scrub. The recipes that we’ve rounded up today are aimed at making your skin ideal – silky soft and glowing. Sea salt or sugar... 

DIY Almond And Honey Face Scrub

DIY Almond And Honey Face Scrub
An almond and honey face scrub is the easiest beauty product to make. It will give you that special glow that shows you are fresh and full of energy! Almonds are great for hydration and will exfoliate your face kindly. You can also use almond in place of sugar in any other face scrub, it...