36 Elegant And Stylish Plaid Work Outfits

elegant and stylish plaid work outfits

How to wear plaid to work? Many gals skip this print considering it boring and outdated but there are many modern ways to rock it at an office, let me share the best ones.

Plaid Pantsuits

The easiest way to rock plaid with style is to wear a plaid suit as power suits are totally on top. I’m speaking not only of pantsuits but also of suits with skirts. The color schemes and combos are totally up to you, a suit can be worn with almost any top that your dress code allows, and you will need to add heels and voila – a perfect business look is ready!

a brown plaid pantsuit with cropped pants, a brown faux fur coat, a black bag and brown shoes

a brown plaid pantsuit with cropped pants, a brown faux fur coat, a black bag and brown shoes

a brown plaid pantsuit, a brown belt, burgundy sock boots, a beige coat for a super cool business look

a brown plaid pantsuit, a brown belt, burgundy sock boots, a beige coat for a super cool business look

a dark green tartan pantsuit, a white shirt, brown snakeskin flats, a brown bag for a chic and cool look on holidays

a dark green tartan pantsuit, a white shirt, brown snakeskin flats, a brown bag for a chic and cool look on holidays

a grey and pink plaid suit, a beige turtleneck, green shoes, a printed bag are a great combo for work

a grey and pink plaid suit, a beige turtleneck, green shoes, a printed bag are a great combo for work

a sophisticated plaid grey skirt suit, a plum-colored turtleneck, a brown belt, burgundy boots and a brown bag

a sophisticated plaid grey skirt suit, a plum-colored turtleneck, a brown belt, burgundy boots and a brown bag

Plaid Pants

Plaid pants can be a super nice solution to rock a bit of print to work. You may try various types of trousers from cropped to palazzo ones, from more fitting to culottes, and lots of different color combos. Style your plaid pants with a matching top – it can show off one of the colors of the trousers or just be of a basic color.

a beige ribbed oversized jumper, grey and tan plaid trousers, tan lace up booties for a simple and chic look

a beige ribbed oversized jumper, grey and tan plaid trousers, tan lace up booties for a simple and chic look

a black turtleneck, oversized velvet blazer, dark plaid trousers, a black bag and loafers

a black turtleneck, oversized velvet blazer, dark plaid trousers, a black bag and loafers

a black turtleneck, red plaid wideleg palazzo pants, a black bag with shiny polka dots

a black turtleneck, red plaid wideleg palazzo pants, a black bag with shiny polka dots

a chic look with a white shirt, a black top, plaid cropped pants, burgundy platform shoes and a black coat for work

a chic look with a white shirt, a black top, plaid cropped pants, burgundy platform shoes and a black coat for work

a chic outfit with a blakc turtleneck, plaid culottes, black shoes and a red coat is style and classics

a chic outfit with a blakc turtleneck, plaid culottes, black shoes and a red coat is style and classics

a pretty work outfit with a neutral turtleneck, brown plaid trousers, a brown coat, black loafers and a brown bag

a pretty work outfit with a neutral turtleneck, brown plaid trousers, a brown coat, black loafers and a brown bag

a rust-colored sweater, grey plaid trousers, a beige cap and a black bag for a lovely fall or winter look

a rust-colored sweater, grey plaid trousers, a beige cap and a black bag for a lovely fall or winter look

a stylish look with a black tee, an oversized black blazer, wideleg plaid pants and white shoes

a stylish look with a black tee, an oversized black blazer, wideleg plaid pants and white shoes

a trendy look by Victoria Beckham - a white oversized sweater, plaid cropped pants and neutral shoes plus a burgundy bag

a trendy look by Victoria Beckham - a white oversized sweater, plaid cropped pants and neutral shoes plus a burgundy bag

a whimsy and bright outfit with a neutral top, colorful plaid wideleg pants and a matching bag for the fall

a whimsy and bright outfit with a neutral top, colorful plaid wideleg pants and a matching bag for the fall

a whimsy and girlish outfit with a pink top, plaid cropped pants, bow heels, a teddy bear coat and a pink round bag

a whimsy and girlish outfit with a pink top, plaid cropped pants, bow heels, a teddy bear coat and a pink round bag

Plaid Skirts

A plaid skirt is another good idea to rock to work, and there are lots of types and colors to go for. Wear over the knee, midi or maxi skirts in the colors you enjoy, and the choice of the top is the same as with pants – one of the colors of the skirt or some basic neutral color.

a winter look with a neutral turtleneck, plaid wideleg pants, black boots, a neutral shearling coat and a fringe bag

a winter look with a neutral turtleneck, plaid wideleg pants, black boots, a neutral shearling coat and a fringe bag

a beautiful deep red jumper, a grey plaid midi skirt on buttons, black pumps and a white bag on a ring handle for the holidays

a beautiful deep red jumper, a grey plaid midi skirt on buttons, black pumps and a white bag on a ring handle for the holidays

a black top, a plaid beige midi skirt, black sock boots and a white bag are a great combo for work

a black top, a plaid beige midi skirt, black sock boots and a white bag are a great combo for work

a blush oversized sweater tucked in a dark plaid mini skirt, creamy boots, an emerald bag

a blush oversized sweater tucked in a dark plaid mini skirt, creamy boots, an emerald bag

a bold red A-line midi dress, a white shirt, black boots, a black leather jacket and a black tote for work

a bold red A-line midi dress, a white shirt, black boots, a black leather jacket and a black tote for work

a brown sweater, a bold plaid pleated midi, vintage brown shoes and a red bag for pulling off a vintage holiday look

a brown sweater, a bold plaid pleated midi, vintage brown shoes and a red bag for pulling off a vintage holiday look

a cozy white sweater, a plaid pleated midi skirt, black boots and a black bag for a cozy look

a cozy white sweater, a plaid pleated midi skirt, black boots and a black bag for a cozy look

a white sweater, a brown plaid pleated midi, black boots, a black bag and a brown coat

a white sweater, a brown plaid pleated midi, black boots, a black bag and a brown coat

Plaid Blazers

The last but not least is a plaid blazer that will instantly add elegance to the outfit. Prefer oversized blazers that can be worn on top some blouse or separately, with a leather belt as an accessory. As for the rest of the outfit, it can include plaid, too, but prefer the same color scheme. Get inspired by lots of ideas below and enjoy!

a yellow patterned sweater, a navy and green plaid skirt, brown boots are a cool fall work look

a yellow patterned sweater, a navy and green plaid skirt, brown boots are a cool fall work look

a beige plaid oversized blazer, a black belt, brown plaid trousers and a lovely two-tone bag

a beige plaid oversized blazer, a black belt, brown plaid trousers and a lovely two-tone bag

a black slip dress, black boots, a grey plaid blazer and a black bag for a simple chic look

a black slip dress, black boots, a grey plaid blazer and a black bag for a simple chic look

a black top, a creamy midi pencil skirt, black shoes and a grey plaid blazer for a work outfit

a black top, a creamy midi pencil skirt, black shoes and a grey plaid blazer for a work outfit

a black turtleneck, black jeans, a brown plaid blazer, brown shoes and a tote are a chic and comfy work look

a black turtleneck, black jeans, a brown plaid blazer, brown shoes and a tote are a chic and comfy work look

a brown top, black plaid trousers, brown boots, a grey plaid blazer and a plum-colored mini bag

a brown top, black plaid trousers, brown boots, a grey plaid blazer and a plum-colored mini bag

a grey plaid blazer, a white top and black pants can eb worn to work

a grey plaid blazer, a white top and black pants can eb worn to work

a mustard patterned sweater, black cropped pants, a bold mustard plaid coat, brown velvet shoes

a mustard patterned sweater, black cropped pants, a bold mustard plaid coat, brown velvet shoes

a white sweater and boots, black jeans and a bag, a grey plaid cropped coat are a great look for work

a white sweater and boots, black jeans and a bag, a grey plaid cropped coat are a great look for work

a white tee, blue cuffed jeans, a grey checked blazer, rust suede shoes and a matching bag

a white tee, blue cuffed jeans, a grey checked blazer, rust suede shoes and a matching bag

a white t-shirt, a grey oversized plaid blazer, rust-colored trousers, matching loafers and a bag

a white t-shirt, a grey oversized plaid blazer, rust-colored trousers, matching loafers and a bag

fuchsia culottes, a white shirt, a pink and fuchsia plaid blazer and nude shoes for a super bold winter work look

fuchsia culottes, a white shirt, a pink and fuchsia plaid blazer and nude shoes for a super bold winter work look