How To Make The Minimalist Curls

How To Make The Minimalist Curls

To be honest, I never liked too complicated hairdos, which take too much time to make. A principle “the easier, the better” totally works for me. Luckily, minimalist style is taking a front seat this season and clean, simple and classy looks are among top trends. These curls look so natural and effortlessly chic! Moreover, they really don’t require much effort from you. First you need to take a section at nape of neck and mist with some light hold hairspray. With 1” curling iron smooth about half way down hair strand and curl the ends, leaving hair in ringlets. Repeat until whole head is finished and break up your curls a little bit. Tease if you think it’s necessary and spray with hold hairpray. Voila!

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How To Make The Minimalist Curls
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How To Make The Minimalist Curls
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How To Make The Minimalist Curls