7 Easy Tips To Get Clear Skin Quickly

easy tips to get clear skin quickly

Even if you’re eating right, getting enough sleep and a bit of exercise, those breakouts can be super sneaky. Nothing is more frustrating than having a big event like a wedding or job interview and having to deal with bad skin. Don’t worry, here are some tips to make your skin clear and perfect!

Clear skin means everyday work, and you shouldn't wait for any overnight miracles.

Clear skin means everyday work, and you shouldn't wait for any overnight miracles.

Wash Your Face

Always wash your face before bed. Stash cleansing wipes on your nightstand for nights when you’re too tired to move. Besides, use lukewarm water for washing because hot water dries out your skin, and cold water won’t open up your pores.

Wash your face every night even if you are too tired.

Wash your face every night even if you are too tired.

Spot Treatment

Step away from the pimple! Before bed, use a spot treatment containing a combination of sulfur and salicylic acid. After cleaning your face, use a Q-tip to apply a spot treatment directly to any budding blemishes.

Apply a spot treatment after cleaning your face.

Apply a spot treatment after cleaning your face.

Fight Acne

Fight acne with a 3-step approach. If you have acne, dermatologists recommend fighting it with a three-step regimen: a salicylic acid cleanser, a benzoyl peroxide spot treatment, and a daily moisturizer.

Exfoliate Right

Products with alpha hydroxy and lactic acids exfoliate gently to make you look radiant. Exfoliate in the shower! The steam helps open pores, so the grains can really dig out the grime. Wash, then exfoliate. When washing, first use a mild face wash to cleanse your skin. Then, lightly massage exfoliator onto your face. This may seem redundant, but before you exfoliate, you want a clean canvas, so that the exfoliant can focus on digging out the stubborn dirt and oil that are stuck deeper inside your pores.

Exfoliate right with proper ingredients and better in the shower.

Exfoliate right with proper ingredients and better in the shower.

Wash Your Brushes

Make sure to wash your makeup brushes regularly with brush cleanser or baby shampoo. If you use makeup sponges, use disposable ones and discard them after each use. These tools can accumulate bacteria, which can lead to breakouts.

Wash your brushes and sponges otherwise they may cause breakouts.

Wash your brushes and sponges otherwise they may cause breakouts.


Acne treatments dry out blemishes and the rest of your face! Slather on an oil-free moisturizer with sunscreen every day to keep your skin smooth and protected.

Moisturize in an oil-free way.

Moisturize in an oil-free way.

Keep Your Hair Off Your Face

Oil, dirt, and product from your hair can get on your face and clog your pores. Keep hair totally clean and try to keep conditioner and other hair product away from your skin.