17 Unique Holiday Party Makeup Looks Without Glitter

17 Unique Holiday Party Makeup Looks Without Glitter
We’ve recently shared shimmery holiday makeup ideas that inspire. However, it’s obvious that not every girl loves glitter in her makeup. Glitter probably will be all around you at your Christmas party, so if you want something less shiny and conventional for your holiday look, today’s gallery is totally for you. Without those glitter you still... 

19 Gorgeous Shimmery Holiday Makeup Looks To Recreate

19 Gorgeous Shimmery Holiday Makeup Looks To Recreate
We often indulge ourselves in sparkling makeup on a daily basis and it probably makes the perfect sense, but Christmas parties and events are just the best time to shine! If you feel like your holiday makeup look isn’t complete without sparkly eye makeup, then today’s article with a fabulous gallery of the most inspiring... 

How To Master Sparkling Smokey Eye Makeup

How To Master Sparkling Smokey Eye Makeup
Mastering a well-done smokey eyes technique is something you should do before all of Christmas parties begin. It’s not so difficult or intimidating as it may seem at first, and once you master the basics, you gonna enjoy endless possibilities of the smokey makeup and love it for its universality. In today’s tutorial there’s a... 

Fresh And Pretty DIY Summer Bronzed Peach Makeup

Fresh And Pretty DIY Summer Bronzed Peach Makeup
In summer there’s nothing prettier than this bronzed, peachy glow. However, as for me, I don’t usually have it, so I need to resort to some makeup tricks. There’s nothing so difficult here and today we share some tips on how to achieve that pretty look. For a bronzed effect use a powder bronzer or...