When we see the phrase “an elegant updo”, we instantly think it’s something difficult to do on our own. However, today’s tutorial is going to prove it’s all wrong. This updo takes only few minutes to make, it looks impossibly romantic and soft. It’ll surely cast a spell over your love interest, especially when there’s...
Sometimes in the morning we don’t want to make a complicated hairstyle and look for something easy. So we found 10 various types of hairstyles that you can create in 5 minutes. They are so easy-to-make but feminine ones. If you’re a creative person, pay attention to bobby pins. Add them to your usual hairstyle and everyone...
If you’re looking for an effortless yet cute and pretty hairstyle to make for a Valentine’s Day dinner with your love, take a look at this topsy half up hairdo. It’s easy to make in just a few minutes, it looks romantic and eye-catching, so it won’t get unnoticed. First you need to curl your...
To be honest, I never liked too complicated hairdos, which take too much time to make. A principle “the easier, the better” totally works for me. Luckily, minimalist style is taking a front seat this season and clean, simple and classy looks are among top trends. These curls look so natural and effortlessly chic! Moreover, they...
If you got tired of all those buns and braids, knotted hair ideas might feel like a breath of fresh air for you. They’re new and chic, feminine and what is more important – totally effortless. This cascading half updo you can recreate very easily and it will make a perfect hairstyle for either meeting with...
Christmas is in a week and a half! Have you thought over what you’re going to wear, how will you do your locks? If you read our blog, you figure out that we’ve got everything covered. Today we suggest you to take a look at this simple and oh-so-chic Parisian ponytail, which will be perfect for...
Experimenting with hair twists is always fun and gives you lots of possibilities. Whether you’re having a bad hair day or simply want try something new with your long locks, more interesting than a usual pony but still a quick, twisted hairstyle is one of the best solutions to the problem. Today we’re sharing a...
Everyone’s all about the sock bun hairdo lately. It’s not surprising, because it’s easy to make, it looks very neat and pretty. Today’s tutorial however is just the same sock bun but with a twist. It’s low and has some added elements, which make the hairstyle a bit more romantic and a bit messy. Begin...
With colorful hair chalk you have so many fun and creative possibilities creating your hairstyle! For example, this is how you can spruce up a little a typical braided crown. Perfect for any boho-inspired party, isn’t it? If you want to make it, you better start with a side part and French braid it with...
Tons of girls, including me, wear buns on top of their heads. It’s cute, simple and very charming! If you want to stand out a little and upgrade your typical everyday bun, try this braided version. Begin with gathering your hair into a ponytail on top of your head and making a loose braid all...