How To Make Your Brows Last Longer

How To Make Your Brows Last Longer
If you aren’t a lucky owner of bushy eyebrows, then you are probably familiar with this problem when your brow powder or shadow smudge at the end of the day. How to make them last as long as you want? You should try a brow pen. Yes, a pen, haven’t you heard of it? It just... 
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How To Fill Your Brows To Look Hairy

How To Fill Your Brows To Look Hairy
Not a single fashion or beauty photo shoot goes without filling and styling model’s eyebrows. It’s a huge trend that doesn’t seem to go anywhere anytime soon, so every girl should learn how to make the best of the brows she has. Don’t get upset if you feel like you’re not Cara Delevingne and have... 
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How To Grow Back Your Eyebrows: 5 Tips And 10 Examples

How To Grow Back Your Eyebrows: 5 Tips And 10 Examples
When I was a teen, I used to tweeze eyebrows way more often than necessary. I had them pen line thin, you know. The worst part of this story is that it’s actually quite hard to get them back to their former glory once you’ve overplucked. Bushy eyebrows is such a huge beauty trend right now,... 
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