Feminine DIY Infinity Lace Scarf

Feminine DIY Infinity Lace Scarf

A woman can never have too many scarves. So today you should make one more! All you need is 1/2 yard of lace, 1/2 yard of a backing fabric and matching thread. First, cut your fabric into 18″x45″ rectangle and pin the longer sides together, right side out. Sew along the longer sides of each rectangle. Then fold the fabrics so the smaller ends are together and pin the two lace sides together. Next sew this together with 1/2″ inseam. Turn the scarf inside out so the seams are showing and pin the backing fabric together. Now sew those together using a 1/2″ inseam and leave a 4″ gap. Turn it right side out again using your gap and secret stitch that opening. This scarf will be good with any clothes!

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Feminine DIY Infinity Lace Scarf
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Feminine DIY Infinity Lace Scarf
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Feminine DIY Infinity Lace Scarf
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Feminine DIY Infinity Lace Scarf
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Feminine DIY Infinity Lace Scarf
Source: srtrends